
Revolutionary Step! UMS Launches First Master’s Program in Quranic Studies

PWMJATENG.COM, Surakarta – Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) has taken a groundbreaking step by opening the Master’s Program in Quranic Studies, making it the only Muhammadiyah ‘Aisyiyah University (PTMA) in Indonesia to offer such a program. This move aligns with the Operational License Decree Number: 243/BAN-PT/LL/2024.

Syamsul Hidayat, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) at UMS, expressed gratitude for the approval of the new Master’s Program in Quranic Studies, which has been officially communicated to UMS by the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

“We are delighted by this development. On one hand, it fulfills the needs of Muhammadiyah as a da’wah institution, requiring proficient cadres in the field of Quranic and Tafsir studies. This strengthens Muhammadiyah’s da’wah efforts and nurtures its members and the community at large,” stated the Dean of FAI UMS on Thursday, (4/4).

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He further emphasized that this initiative contributes to enhancing the quality and quantity of UMS’s service to Muhammadiyah and the broader community.

According to him, in guiding the understanding and practice of religion, particularly in Quranic studies and its interpretation, the Muslim community needs continuous guidance and education.

“We are proud to be the only PTMA offering a Master’s Program in Quranic Studies. As for undergraduate programs in PTMA, UMS and UM Cirebon are the pioneers. InshaAllah, we will commence student admissions for this new program this year,” concluded Syamsul Hidayat.

Kontributor : Fika
Editor : M Taufiq Ulinuha

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