
Project to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students: The Voice of Democracy at SMP AT-TIN Pesantren

PWMJATENG.COM, Tegal – For the 2024-2025 academic year, SMP AT-TIN Pesantren has launched a major project titled “Project to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students.” The theme of this project is “The Voice of Democracy,” focusing primarily on the election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the IPM (Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah).

This event, held in Margasari in July 2024, aims to reinforce the values of Pancasila in the daily lives of students. With the spirit of democracy, students are expected to learn the importance of fair and honest election processes. The election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the IPM serves as a platform for students to develop their organizational skills and actively participate in school life.

This project is not just about the election; it is also a lesson in leadership, responsibility, and active participation in building a better school environment. Through this project, SMP AT-TIN aims to produce future generations who are not only academically intelligent but also have strong character and noble morals.

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As part of this effort, various supporting activities such as candidate debates, campaigns, and panel discussions on the importance of democracy and the active role of students in school organizations are also held. All of these activities are conducted to ensure that students not only understand the theory but also practice the principles of democracy in their daily lives.

SMP AT-TIN Pesantren remains committed to providing holistic education that encompasses the intellectual, spiritual, and character development of students. The Project to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students is one concrete step towards realizing this commitment.

Editor : M Taufiq Ulinuha

Muhammadiyah Jawa Tengah

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