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Inspiring! The Inauguration of Muhammadiyah Youth Leadership for the Europe and Mediterranean Region in Madrid

PWMJATENG.COM, Spain – On Sunday (12/5), the Central Leadership of Muhammadiyah Youth held the inauguration of the Special Leadership Board for Muhammadiyah Youth in the Europe and Mediterranean Region for the period of 2024-2027 at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Madrid, Spain. The event also included a Leadership Training and Upgrading Program for the Leaders and Members of PCIM in the Europe and Mediterranean Region for 2024.

One of the highlights of the event was the inauguration of Rizaldy Anggriawan, a member of PCIM Hungary, as the Chairman of the Special Leadership Board for Muhammadiyah Youth in the Europe and Mediterranean Region for 2024-2027. The inauguration process was conducted by the Secretary General of Muhammadiyah Youth, Najih Prasetyo, and Machendra Setya Atmaja, the Treasurer General of Muhammadiyah Youth.

Najih Prasetyo, in his address, emphasized the importance of the character of Muhammadiyah Youth cadres, such as ethics, intellectuality, and electability, which are the main foundation in carrying out the roles of propagation and change within society.

Baca juga, Muhammadiyah: Iduladha 2024 Jatuh pada 17 Juni

Rizaldy, who is also a doctoral student in Law Program at Szeged University, Hungary, affirmed his commitment to continue collaborating with other leaders in order to fulfill the role as agents of change who bring blessings and value to the community.

Below is the complete lineup of the Leadership Board for Muhammadiyah Youth in the Europe and Mediterranean Region for the period of 2024-2027:

  1. Chairman: Rizaldy Anggriawan (PCIM Hungary)
  2. Secretary: Muhammad Rizal Afif (PCIM Germany)
  3. Treasurer: Izhan Fakhruzi (PCIM Spain)
  4. Head of Communication, Information, and Telecommunication Department: Ian Agustiawan (PCIM Spain)
  5. Head of Public Relations Department: Ahmad Najieb Advany (PCIM Morocco)
  6. Head of Inter-Institutional Relations & Strategic Partnerships Department: Abdurrahman Al Faqiih (PCIM Netherlands)
  7. Head of Wisdom and Public Policy Department: Suratno (PCIM Hungary)
  8. Head of Organization and Cadre Development Department: Gaffar Hafidz Sagala (PCIM Hungary)
  9. Head of Education and Research Department: Muhammad Haikal (PCIM Spain)
  10. Head of Propagation and Religious Study Department: Muhammad Khoiru Ribath (PCIM Sudan)

The presence and roles of the elected leaders are expected to have a positive impact and make significant contributions to the development of Muhammadiyah youth in the Europe and Mediterranean region.

Editor : M Taufiq Ulinuha

Muhammadiyah Jawa Tengah

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